The father-and-son relation was not touched on in his previous works; and science fiction is something new in Chinese cinema.
The story is about a child who becomes friends with an alien, in the form of a dog. If you can see a parallel between Chow's story and Steven Spielberg's E.T. you are right.
The computer-generated dog named Changjiang Qihao.Chow's inspiration for this film began some 20 years ago when he saw E.T. at the theater. He was enthralled.
"I watched it many times," Chow said while promoting the film last week in Beijing.
"I was amazed that science fiction could be filmed like that. I knew then I wanted to make a movie like that.
"Spielberg's work inspired me to become a director."
The comedian who grew up in a single-parent family is not a father yet and did not have that experience to draw from.
To add authenticity, Chow interviewed many fathers and also asked the child actors how their fathers behave. Memories of living with his own father, before his parents separated, also shed some light.
"My father would lie down and hold me up high in bed," Chow says.
"And I remember when I was young I wanted a toy, which made my father and mother quarrel on the street. These scenes all appear in the film."
Chow believes dogs are something both children and adults will love, so he cast a dog to play the alien.
In the film the computer-generated dog named Changjiang Qihao (CJ7, or Yangtze River Number Seven) has a big, white, furry head, cute black eyes and a green body. Chow confirms it is modeled upon his own pet BullBull.
BullBull was the first dog Chow bought. One day, after BullBull got cancer, it barked at Chow who was hurrying to work.

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