Friday, April 24, 2009

shopshoponline - New online shopping platform in Malaysia

S2 ONLINE Membership Scheme

Shop Shop Online

Structure of Membership (S.O.M)


1.0 No discount, purchase item as retail price.


1.0 Registration fees RM20.00
2.0 Annual renewal fees RM20.00
3.0 Purchased item up to 10% discount

GOLD MEMBERSHIP (Online Entrepreneur Scheme)

1.0 Registration fees RM100.00
2.0 Annual renewal fees RM100.00
3.0 Purchased item up to 30% discount (Manufacture Price)

Online Entrepreneur Scheme Benefits:-
1.0 Personal website for Gold Member as Personal Online Store.
2.0 Different size and type of banners to assist Gold Member for marketing.
3.0 Recruit gold member and get RM20.00 commission.
4.0 Enjoy 10% commission on total purchase amount of recruited Free Member.
5.0 Enjoy 5% commission on total purchase amount of recruited Silver Member.

1.0 Recruit at least 40 Gold Member within campaign period (To be determined by management).
2.0 Enjoy 2% commission on total purchased amount of all recruited members and sub-members (whole tree level).
3.0 Annual renewal fees RM500.00.
4.0 Annual renewal qualification, maintain at least 40 active gold members.


1) Every recruited gold member, RM20.00 commission
2) 10% commission on total purchase amount of recruited free member
3) 5% commission on total purchase amount of recruited silver member.

Scenario 1 (Small Retailer: College Student, Part time sales, Freelance)
1) Recruited 2 Gold Member, 5 Silver Member and 10 Free member.
2) Self retail sales RM2000.00, Silver Member purchased value RM400.00 each and Free Member purchase value RM200.00 each.

Income : (Self sales RM2,000 x 30% discount) + (RM20.00 x 2 gold member recruitment commission)
+ (RM400.00 x 5% commission x 5) + (RM200.00 x 10% commission x 10)

Total : RM300 + RM40.00 + RM100.00 + RM200.00 = RM640.00 PROFIT

Scenario 2 (Big Retailer: Aggressive seller, Forum active member)
1) Recruited 5 Gold Member, 20 Silver Member and 50 Free member.
2) Self retail sales RM6,000.00 , Silver Member purchased value RM400.00 each and Free Member purchase value RM200.00 each.

Income : (Self sales RM6,000 x 30% discount) + (RM20.00 x 5 gold member recruitment commission)
+ (RM400.00 x 5% commission x 20) + (RM200.00 x 10% commission x 50)

Total : RM1,800 + RM100.00 + RM400.00 + RM1000.00 = RM3,300.00 PROFIT

Scenario 3 (Aggressive Entrepreneur: Young Entrepreneur, Full time online store seller, Personal Online Store Seller)
1) No members recruited as focus on build up own company and own career.
2) Self retail sales RM15,000 (Minimum amount as research through sales from multiple online store),

Minimum Income: (Self sales RM15,000 x 30% discount)
Total : RM4,500

Average Income: (Self sales RM25,000 x 30% discount)
Total : RM7,500

Powerful Entrepreneur Income: (Self sales RM40,000 – RM60,000 x 30% discount)
Total :RM12,000 – RM18,000

2009年最震撼的獨創網絡行銷SHOPSHOP ONLINE

PART 1 : 介紹






PART 2: 產品大綱列表


InterCrew未來概念黑鷹LED表 (InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch)

Intercrew 源自韩国,韩国手表一直以来的最突出优势就是样式非常多,而且每款样式都作到了精益求精,为推广国际化的时尚理念,加强了设计能力,用最好的技术和最佳的材质生产加工出最时尚﹑最超值的产品,推出款款令消费者爱不释手的时尚首饰;以高新科技的电镀技术﹑镶嵌技术,酿造出价格不贵而品质优良的手表,在设计上把握时代最新潮最绚丽的本色,独一无二的款式使消费者佩戴后脱颖而出,光彩照人,气质直傲人群,很适合那些对流行有所感悟的时尚群体。



Hello Kitty MP3 Player(MP3播放器) MP504 MP5 Media Player (多媒體播放器)

Hello Mickey MP3 Player(米奇MP3播放器) MP307 Ear Hanging MP3 Player(耳掛式MP3)

Spy Video Recorder(間諜任務錄影筆) SAMSUNG U900 Cellular phone(手機)


Nokia BH-320 Bluetooth Headset GPS Unit with 1GB Memory Card
With Malaysia MAP included



PART 3 : 選擇原因


a. 與廠商交涉的問題,包括飛往外國談判的費用,時間及交際;
b. 對產品不熟悉,產品出現問題后需長時間快遞送返原廠地,耗時費力;
c. 出入口海關作業程序問題,例如貨品被扣留需繳稅,增加時間與成本;
d. 誠信問題,例如賣家在國外被不良廠商欺騙、產品與實際不符,或貨不對版;
e. 設置網站需時間與付款于相關人士架設,自己營運則需相關知識;
f. 付款問題,可接受的付款管道有限,例如個人用戶很難接收信用卡付賬;
g. 買賣糾紛問題,買家對賣家的抱怨與騷擾;
h. 送貨問題,例如要負擔郵資或處理送貨手續,非常麻煩;


a. ShopShopOnline擁有數量龐大且熟悉的產品供應商,產品種類繁多且自我檢測品質,不存在任何交涉問題;
b. 擁有完善的保固與維修管道,一旦出現問題很快完成產品的替換或維修,不需賣家煩惱;
c. 營運團隊擁有多年的出入口知識與相關管道,賣家絕對不需顧慮任何海關問題;
d. 與a相同;ShopShopOnline擁有自身的網站架設與數據庫管理團隊,賣家只需懂得與瀏覽電郵登記程度的電腦使用知識即可成為網購達人;
e. ShopShopOnline接受幾乎所有的付款管道,從銀行轉帳到信用卡付款一應俱全,賣家只需等收錢;
f. 買家對產品的責任歸屬是對ShopShopOnline,并非對賣家,不存在對賣家直接的糾紛問題;l
g. 所有貨品直接由ShopShopOnline寄出,不涉及賣家的時間與繁瑣手續問題

PART 4: 會員級數


免費會員(FREE membership)

銀牌會員(SILVER membership)

金牌會員(GOLD membership)

a. 每位金牌會員將獲得網站所提供的網頁廣告(Banner),金牌會員可將之張貼在部落格、論壇、自己的網頁或網頁賣場等地方;
b. 每位金牌會員都會有一個專屬的ShopShopOnline自身網頁域名鏈接(名稱范本會員名稱),而該頁面就是該金牌會員的虛擬賣場。若配合之前所述的網頁廣告條使用效果更佳。
c. 招收下線。金牌會員可招收其它金牌會員成為其下線,該金牌會員一旦增加每位金牌會員直屬下線將會獲得一位RM20的現金獎賞(不包括非直屬下線)。若下線延長金會員的年期, 同樣的可以獲得RM20的現金獎賞。
d. 除此之外金會員可以從旗下會員的花費總額獲得一些佣金。免費會員花費總額的5%,銀牌會員花費總額的10%將被納入為佣金。


[特]金牌會員 (會員活動)
a. 只有金牌會員才有資格參與此活動,而成為[特]金牌會員的條件是在活動期間成功招收40名金牌會員,因為名額有限所以採用先到先得的方式。
b. 在被選定為[特]金牌會員的一年內,[特]金牌會員可以從旗下所有會員的花費總額獲得2%的佣金。

shopshoponline - New online shopping platform in Malaysia

Shopshop Online
Part 1 - Introduction
ShopShopOnline - The Most Potential way to Earn through Online
Final Evolution of Internet Marketing

As the most cost and efficiency way to be an investment, internet marketing is like no other. Through Nelson’s Report issued at this year 2009, it shows that internet yet has a lot of spaces of growth: Malaysians preferred to spend more times online than real-live activities, especially in broadcasting, and e-commerce is expected to growth. For those who brilliant enough to dig up this gold mile, will takes the main role on year 2009 in this field.

ShopShopOnline is a virtual online portal which provides over thousand of different, fun and various products from IT gadgets to daily appliances. Added value of ShopShopOnline is the membership program where Gold member will get extra 30% instant of selling price rebate, and also provides the starting base for young entrepreneurs. As the part of ShopShopOnline, by providing postage services to clients would ease the Gold member’s job that wish to become as one of our dealer. Besides that, Gold member could expand their own network by recruiting down-line to earn commissions!

ShopShopOnline is based by a group of e-commerce, web development and other related specialist. We commit high efficiency, high-crowded management and delivery more price-friendly product to our customers. Besides that with ShopShopOnline e-commerce dealer training program for Gold members, they will learn to become novice entrepreneurs and earn more income.

For more information please visit ShopShopOnline official site:

PART 2: Product List Demo
ShopShopOnline provides widest library of product choice to satisfy strict level of customers. The most anticipated products category included 3C electronics, which is selling in great price especially to Gold members. Each product sells at ShopShopOnline is not shared profit with importer, wholesaler and reseller.

Intercrew is a brand from Korea watch manufacturer, which is based on unique Korean design with great finished material as it can be categories as jewelry-wear, but with reasonable affordable price brought to you by ShopShopOnline. Wearing InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch will outbreak your style and gain more attention for public! Wanna be a party star? This is your best choice!

InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch Ambassador from Korea: Rain.

Various MP3 AND MP5 products will be sold in ShopShopOnline Product Catalog.

Hello Kitty MP3 Player MP504 MP5 Media Player

Hello Mickey MP3 Player MP307 Ear Hanging MP3 Player

Various 3C Electronics will be in ShopShopOnline Product Catalog.

Spy Video Recorder SAMSUNG U900 Cellular phone
CAMERA (iPhone-Alike Cell-Phone Available)


Nokia BH-320 Bluetooth Headset GPS Unit with 1GB Memory Card
With Malaysia MAP included

Jewelry and Groceries are available on ShopShopOnline as choice for customers.

Couple Love Stone Jewelry

For more information on our product line, please refer to our sales catalog.

PART 3: Reason of Choosing ShopShopOnline

Many online entrepreneurs are filled with ambition, but were prevented by variety of reasons:

i. The issue of contacting and negotiations with the manufactory, including the cost of shipping, time and communication is hard to be done by individual.
j. Not been familiar with the product, especially on the product warranty issue where individual need to concern on providing and sending the warranty product to the manufacturers.
k. the issue of dealing with customs procedures
l. Integrity issues, such as by unscrupulous sellers of foreign manufacturers in the deception, inconsistent with the actual product or version and fraud issues.
m. Web site takes time to set up and make additional payment to the relevant people for their knowledge of the operation
n. Payments issues, limited gateway of payment, for example, individual users it is very difficult to receive credit card payment
o. Complain issues where individual need to face buyer’s harassment complaints after buying the product
p. Delivery issues, such as have to concern on the postage or shipping procedures.

All these problems, the one-stop service through ShopShopOnline can be solved, through ShopShopOnline you wont be facing such of problems and we here to help you resolve all it. The following is a selection of ShopShopOnline business reasons:

a. ShopShopOnline are familiar with the large number of suppliers of products, product variety and quality of self-testing, there is no question of any representations
b. A comprehensive warranty and maintenance of products, will be delived if there are problems with the replacement or repair of products.
c. the operating team have many years of import and export experience and related knowledge, members is absolutely no worry about any customs issues
d. ShopShopOnline has been set up its own website and database management team, members just needed the knowledge internet to become a online entrepreneurs.
e. ShopShopOnline accept payment in almost all channels, from bank transfer to the self-payment by credit card.
f. All sold products are responsible by ShopShopOnline. There is no trading issue between members with their customers.

PART 4: Membership

ShopShopOnline provide 3 different memberships to meet different customer’s needs:

Free Membership
The most basic membership provided, instant register as easy as sign-up an accounts, few steps to enjoy the rich library of product provided by ShopShopOnline!
Of cause, registration is free of charge.

Silver Membership
An advanced membership level that includes all features which is available in the free membership program, additional with up to 10% price rebate on all ShopShopOnline products. Silver membership fees will be RM20/per year.

Gold Membership
The premium class of membership level included all feature of silver membership plus the product discount rebate up to 30%! More features with Gold membership are:
a. ShopShopOnline customize domain name provided for each Gold members (example: , and that page will be your personal virtual store.
b. Web banner will be provided for Gold members to post in blog, forum, web page or virtual store to promote the member’s domain name / link.
c. Member get member program. Gold members could pick up their direct down-line and receive the rebate of RM20 for each down-line registration membership fees. You can also enjoy the same rebate for each down-line renewal of membership.
d. Gold member can also gain up to 5% commission of the purchased from their down-line silver member hence for free member you can gain up to 10% of commission.

Gold membership fees will be RM100/per year

Membership annual campaign (Selected Gold Member)
a. To be qualified for the short-list, Gold members will need to get at least 40 gold member before the campaign closing date this title is a first come first basis
b. Able to gain 2% commission of total purchased from all their down-line members which includes Gold, Silver and Free members for 1 year.

Monday, April 13, 2009

shopshoponline - New online shopping platform in Malaysia

PART 1 : 介紹






ShopShopOnline - The Most Potential way to Earn Online
Final Evolution of Internet Marketing

As the most cost and efficiency way to be an investment, internet marketing like no other. Through Nelson’s Report issued at this year 2009, it shows that internet spaces still going to growth: malaysia’s audience population prefer spend more times online than real-live , especially in broadcasting, and e-commerce is expected to growth. For those who brilliant enough to dig up this gold mile, will take the main role of year 2009 in this field.

ShopShopOnline is a virtual online portal which provides over thousand of different, fun and lot of product gadgets, from an mp3 player even to a television. Best thing never miss out to be Gold member of ShopShopOnline: Gold member will get extra 30% instant of selling price rebate , and even can join up to dig this gold mile. As the part of ShopShopOnline, you don’t even need to prepare, sent or postage item to your customer while we prefer to done it for you when the Gold member becomes as our dealer. Besides that, you could expand your own down-line to earn commissions!

ShopShopOnline is based by a group of e-commerce, web development and other related specialist. We commit high efficiency, high-crowded management and delivery more price-friendly product to our customers. Besides, with ShopShopOnline e-commerce dealer training program for Gold members, you will become an e-commerce PRO, work for your own, earn more income within.

For more information please visit ShopShopOnline official site:

PART 2: 產品大綱列表


InterCrew未來概念黑鷹LED表 (InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch)

Intercrew 源自韩国,韩国手表一直以来的最突出优势就是样式非常多,而且每款样式都作到了精益求精,为推广国际化的时尚理念,加强了设计能力,用最好的技术和最佳的材质生产加工出最时尚﹑最超值的产品,推出款款令消费者爱不释手的时尚首饰;以高新科技的电镀技术﹑镶嵌技术,酿造出价格不贵而品质优良的手表,在设计上把握时代最新潮最绚丽的本色,独一无二的款式使消费者佩戴后脱颖而出,光彩照人,气质直傲人群,很适合那些对流行有所感悟的时尚群体。

Intercrew is a brand from Korea watch manufacturer, which is based on unique Korean design with great finished material as can, it can compared to style as jewelry-wear, but with reasonable affordable price brought to you by ShopShopOnline. Wearing InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch will outbreak your style and gain more attention for public! Wanna be a party star? This is your best choice!

InterCrew BlackEagle LED Watch Counselee is Korean Star: Rain.


This product is export unit to Korea, not the main unit version (Different by packaging) as selling in Korea. With exact same quality and design, why pay more?

Various Music and Video Player will be in ShopShopOnline Product Catalog.

Hello Kitty MP3 Player(MP3播放器) MP504 MP5 Media Player (多媒體播放器)

Hello Mickey MP3 Player(米奇MP3播放器) MP307 Ear Hanging MP3 Player(耳掛式MP3)

PART 2: Product List Demo

ShopShopOnline provide widest library of product choice to satisfy strict level of customers. The hottest product category included 3C electronics, which is provided in great price to deal especially for Gold members. Each product sold by ShopShopOnline is not shared profit with importer, wholesaler and reseller: we chosen to share the profit with you. To be ours Gold member, not only you can get up to 30% instant price rebate for product in our virtual store, and also let you become ours dealer to earn more down-line to be an e-commerce’s PRO!

Various 3C Electronics will be in ShopShopOnline Product Catalog.

Spy Video Recorder(間諜任務錄影筆) SAMSUNG U900 Cellular phone(手機)
攝像頭――CAMERA (iPhone-Alike Cell-Phone Available)


Nokia BH-320 Bluetooth Headset GPS Unit with 1GB Memory Card
With Malaysia MAP included

Jewelry and Groceries are available on ShopShopOnline as choice for customers.

Couple Love Stone Jewelry

For more information on our product line, please refer to our sales catalog.

PART 3: 會員級數


免費會員(FREE membership)

銀牌會員(SILVER membership)

金牌會員(GOLD membership)

a. 每位金牌會員都會有一個特殊的網頁廣告條(Banner),金牌會員可將之張貼在部落格、論壇、自己的網頁或網頁賣場等地方;
b. 每位金牌會員都會有一個專屬的ShopShopOnline自身網頁域名鏈接(名稱范本會員名稱),而該頁面就是該金牌會員的虛擬賣場。所有在該頁所銷售出去的產品皆會自動結算傭金(以每單個產品計算2%金額)給予該金牌會員,若配合之前所述的網頁廣告條使用效果更佳。
c. 招收下線。金牌會員可招收其它金牌會員成為其下線,該金牌會員一旦增加每位金牌會員直屬下線將會獲得一位RM20的現金獎賞(不包括非直屬下線)。


PART 3: Membership

ShopShopOnline provide 3 different memberships to meet different customer’s needs:

Free Membership
The most basic membership provided, instant register as easy as sign-up a new email accounts, few steps to enjoy the rich library of product provided by ShopShopOnline!
Of cause, register is free of charge.

Silver Membership
Advanced membership level that include all feature available in free membership, but with up to 10% price rebate on all ShopShopOnline products. Participate to silver membership fees will be RM20/per year.

Gold Membership
The premium class of membership level included all feature of silver membership except the product discount rebate up to 30%! More feature with Gold membership are :
a. Web banner provided for Gold members to post in blog, forum, web page or virtual store.
b. ShopShopOnline customize domain name provided for each Gold members (example : , and that page will be your personal virtual store. Each item sold in the domain will count as per item 2% selling price as yours commission. This is cool if use together with the web banner provided.
c. Picking up down-line. Gold members could pick up their direct down-line with direct RM20 cash rebate for each.

Gold member is the fastest easy way to step into e-commerce business world.

PART 4 : 選擇原因


a. 與廠商交涉的問題,包括飛往外國談判的費用,時間及交際;
b. 對產品不熟悉,產品出現問題后需長時間快遞送返原廠地,耗時費力;
c. 出入口海關作業程序問題,例如貨品被扣留需繳稅,增加時間與成本;
d. 誠信問題,例如賣家在國外被不良廠商欺騙、產品與實際不符,或貨不對版;
e. 設置網站需時間與付款于相關人士架設,自己營運則需相關知識;
f. 付款問題,可接受的付款管道有限,例如個人用戶很難接收信用卡付賬;
g. 買賣糾紛問題,買家對賣家的抱怨與騷擾;
h. 送貨問題,例如要負擔郵資或處理送貨手續,非常麻煩;


a. ShopShopOnline擁有數量龐大且熟悉的產品供應商,產品種類繁多且自我檢測品質,不存在任何交涉問題;
b. 擁有完善的保固與維修管道,一旦出現問題很快完成產品的替換或維修,不需賣家煩惱;
c. 營運團隊擁有多年的出入口知識與相關管道,賣家絕對不需顧慮任何海關問題;
d. 與a相同;
e. ShopShopOnline擁有自身的網站架設與數據庫管理團隊,賣家只需懂得與瀏覽電郵登記程度的電腦使用知識即可成為網購達人;
f. ShopShopOnline接受幾乎所有的付款管道,從銀行轉帳到信用卡付款一應俱全,賣家只需等收錢;
g. 買家對產品的責任歸屬是對ShopShopOnline,并非對賣家,不存在對賣家直接的糾紛問題;
h. 所有貨品直接由ShopShopOnline寄出,不涉及賣家的時間與繁瑣手續問題;