Monday, December 17, 2007

two months ago back from philippines,abit boring and free in Malaysia,start to look for somethings to do,finally start to work out on thiswebsite,, i will workharder to make it real on March andlaunch in 5 countries, philippines,vietnam, malaysia , singapore, andindonesia.

My Idea for starbid isStarbid only lists BRAND NEW productswhich are available to members atunbelievably discounted pricing. Thestarbid online bidding website isunique in that it offers customers newproducts that they bid for at anonline auction. Products are Deliveredfor Free throughout Indonesia,Vietnam,Malaysia, SIngpaore and Philippines.

Experience the sensation by bidding onStarbid online auction where memberswill find a selection of products inwhich the successful bidder will bethe lowest unique bidder in the onlineauction process. The more times youbid, the more chance you have ofwinning! You decide which price indollars and cents you would like topay for an item. Register Now to bidand save.Online bidding is easy once the memberis registered for purchasing onlinewith starbid online auction. Themethod used by satrbid online auctionenables the successful online bidderto be unique in the amount they havebid.

The lowest bidder purchasing onlinewill not necessarily be the successfulbidder as the successful bidder is thebidder who has offered the lowestunique bid in the online auction. Bidsare only disclosed when the onlinebidding for each online auction isclosed and the successful bidder willbe notified accordingly.Starbid online auction endeavours tobe the most recognized, unique andtrusted online shopping marketplace,consistently delivering exceptionalvalue to the marketplace and highquality service to its customers.

Starbid are where products are placedon auction with the following rules:Bidders are asked to place their bid,a bid which they think no one elsewill duplicate, and the successfulbidder will be the one with the LOWESTUNIQUE BID.The variation from the traditionalstyle auction system is the auctionresult is awarded to the Lowest UniqueBid when the predetermined RequiredNumber/time of Bids has been met andthe auction is closed. Each Bidder isrequired to pay an Administration Feein order to place a Bid.

This is bestillustrated with the following example:
Apple iPod Shuffle 1 gig -
RecommendedRetail Price : $199Required.
No. of Bids : 200
Administration Fee : $2.75
At the end of the auction the lowestten bids may look like this :
Bid 1: $0.01
Bid 2: $0.01
Bid 3: $0.02
Bid 4: $0.02
Bid 5: $0.02
Bid 6: $0.03 Lowest Unique Bid
Bid 7: $0.04
Bid 8: $0.04
Bid 9: $0.05 Unique, but not the lowest
Bid 10: $0.06

Bid No.6 is the Lowest Unique Bidderand is awarded the auction result andwould have to pay only 3c. He/she hastherefore purchased an article for $3c(Bid Amount) + $2.75 (Admin Fee) =$2.78 = 1.4% of the Retail Price($199)!

Starbid -People’s choiceThe Ideal Way to get the Products youwant!

HAHAHA.. i will try my best to launch it on March, i also need to get somebody to be my agent for thiswebsite, so if you feel interested youcan sms me 0163381176/1172 or email, or text me infriendster la....

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