在读书的你,想打part time工找零用钱,补贴学费和生活费!
1)高commission RM1000~3000(part time)
3) 无须等到毕业!
mystarbid 东南亚唯一一个低价者得投标网站最近推出了网络销售企业家计划:
1. 培养更多销售企业家
2. 为网站增加更多会员.
3. 创造更多通过网站创造财富的年轻人.
1. 团购创业计划
2. 投标网站创业计划
你想创业吗?不需本钱, 只要努力, 就可达到, 联络我们吧!
we are an internet shopping center n distributor
you can sell our product as lowest price to your fren or customer
and earn the commission ..
mickey mouse mplayer 2gb our price is rmxx and market price is rm120-150
mickey mouse mplayer 4 gb our price is rmxxx and market price is rm130-180
so just simply sell 20 pcs u can earn rm1000 or more in a month.
and it is easy as paste in your friendster or forum, and get the money drop us the order, and wait for our shipment,
the price you get is dealer price,
for more info you can give me your email i will send u acatalog
and another one is to help us promote our website, then you can earn 12% from the bid point, check the faq, and understand the game flow, see the game result, then you will know more our lowest unique bid auction , 12% from the bid point u sell..
two ways to help you to earn rm1000 and more in a month.
20 pcs a month earn about rm1000, simple n easy job, sell in forum, sell in friendster, sell among your fren, and one month 3 shipment, see, just sell 5 pcs to 8 pcs a week, then get rm1000-1500 amonth, it is easy then ABC, one hours a days to post msg, send msg to your friends, to find some customer want to buy mp3, sell 50 pcs a month and get your rm3000-5000 amonth just in front your computer, online seller , a new way to get your income.